
  • The User shall agree that use of the service is at the user's sole risk. The service is provided on an "as is" or/and on an "as available" basis. LIPIJobs.com expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular puras been sent.

  • Company neither offers any guarantee nor warranties that there would be a satisfactory response or any response once the resume is uploaded on LIPIJobs.com or once the resume is sent to consultants.the pose and non-infringement.

  • The User agrees that all jobs advertised are genuine and in existence as on the date of posting.

  • The User will not have the right to demand any information regarding the organization/Consultants to whom the resume.

  • The Company/LIPIJobs.com makes no warranty that service shall meet user's requirements, that the service shall be uninterrupted or/and timely or/and secure or/and error free; nor does LIPIJobs.com make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the service or as to the accuracy or reliability of any information obtained from the service. Cancellations and alterations shall be effected only on the receipt of application regarding the same in writing.

  • There are no express representations and warranties, whether express or implied, made by the Company regarding the accuracy and/or quality of any information transmitted and/or obtained through the use of the Services or LIPIJobs.com.

  • The Company shall not be liable for any disclosure of information concerning the User's account and/or particulars nor for any error and/or omissions and/or inaccuracy with regard to information so disclosed. In addition, the Company shall further not be liable for any loss or damages sustained by reason of such disclosure, whether intentionally or inadvertently.

  • In case the there is any loss of information, caused due to any reason, whether as a result of any disruption of service, suspension and/or termination of the service, the Company shall not be liable in any way for the same. Further the Company is not responsible for the accuracy, quality and/or contents of any information available, received and/or transmitted by any means using its services.

  • All information are accepted in good faith and LIPIJobs.com accept no responsibility whatsoever regarding the bonafide of the user, nor can any interviews be granted or/and correspondence entered into regarding any information published.

  • The User shall ensure that while using the Service, all prevailing and applicable laws, rules and regulations, directly or indirectly for the use of systems, service or equipment shall at all times, be strictly complied with by the User and the Company shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for default of any nature regarding the same, by the User.

  • The Company does not warrant that LIPIJobs.com or any of the web sites linked to LIPIJobs.com be free of any operational hazards or errors nor that it will be free of any virus or/and worm or/and any other harmful components.

  • It is not the Company's policy to exercise any kind of supervisory or editorial control over and/or edit and/or amend any data and/or contents of any e-mails and/or posting of any information that that may be inserted or/and made available or transmitted to a third party in or through LIPIJobs.com and the User acknowledges the same. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company has absolute discretion to refuse and/or suspend or/and terminate and/or delete and/or amend any artwork, materials and/or information or/and content of any data and/or information or/and posting so as, in the sole opinion of the Company, to comply with the prevailing legal framework and/or moral obligations as placed on the Company and in order to avoid infringing any third party's rights and/or any other rules and/or standards and/or codes of practices that may be applicable to the posting or LIPIJobs.com and/or the internet.

  • LIPIJobs.com is not involved in any transaction between any parties who uses our site. There are risks, which the User assumes when dealing with people who might be acting under false pretences and the same shall be borne by the User. The Company is a venue only and do not screen or/and censor or/and otherwise control the listings offered to other Users, nor does LIPIJobs.com screen or/and censor or/and otherwise control the Users of its service. LIPIJobs.com cannot and does not control the behaviour of the participants on this site. We cannot control whether or not Users of LIPIJobs.com will complete the transactions they describe on our site. It is extremely important that the user takes care throughout his dealings with other people on this site. LIPIJobs.com does not accept or/and assume responsibility for the content or/and context of the user comment areas and will not remove or/and edit postings to the public comments areas once they are entered into the service, except to expire records or in its sole discretion.

  • The services provided by the Company and referred to herein does not create any agency relationship whether expressed or implied between the user and the Company.

  • If there is any dispute between the Users/participants on this site, it is agreed upon by the Users/participants that LIPIJobs.com has no obligation whatsoever to be involved in any such dispute/s. In the event that the user has a dispute with one or more User/s or/and participant/s, the User hereby undertakes not to make any claims or/and demands or/and damages (actual or/and consequential) of every kind or/and nature or/and known or/and unknown or/and suspected or/and unsuspected or/and disclosed or/and undisclosed, arising out of or/and in any way related to such disputes and/or our service against the LIPIJobs.com or/and their officers or/and employees or/and agents or/and successors.

  • The User understands and agrees that any information or/and material and/or goods or/and services obtained through the service is done at user's own discretion and risk and that user shall be solely responsible for any damage/s or/and cost or/and any other consequence/s resulting from any transaction.

  • No advice or/and information, whether oral or/and written, obtained by the User from LIPIJobs.com or/and through or/and from the service shall create any warranty not expressly stated herein.

  • The Company's total liability under this Agreement in any circumstance shall be limited to the total amount of fees or/and charges paid by the User to the Company for the period immediately preceding two (2) months prior to the incident giving rise to the relevant claim.

  • The Company expressly puts all its Users on Notice that links to third party websites on LIPIJobs.com do not confer any responsibility/liability or obligation on the Company and are hereby expressly excluded.

  • Advertisements on LIPIJobs.com shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Company determines from time to time. Responsibility for ensuring that the advertisement material submitted for inclusion on LIPIJobs.com complies with applicable National and International laws and is exclusively and without exception on the advertiser. The company shall not be responsible for any omission, commission or inaccuracy in the said material. However, the Company hereby reserves the right to delete, suspend or make any change to any such advertisement material

  • Decision of the Company regarding all transactions under SMS service shall be final and binding and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

  • The Company is dependant on the Operator owning the network and their technical infrastructure for facilitating SMS services and does not undertake any responsibility for failure of this network transmission or failure of message transmission for any reasons whatsoever.

  • SMS service is live in India only