FAQ – For Job Seekers

  1. How will I find a job faster here at LIPIJobs?

    With other job portals, you upload your resume, search for jobs, apply and then wait.  The wait time is too much.  At LIPIJobs, each time you apply for the job, we check with the employers if they have seen the application and respond within 5 days.  This way, you see high traction with your job applications. 

  2. How will I earn after uploading my resume?

    Each time an employer or recruiter will view your resume, your wallet will be credited with some points  You can always login and check the number of views and your earnings.

  3. How will I refer my friends?

    Login to your account and click on “Refer a Friend” link.  You will be given a unique link.  You can then distribute this link to your friends.  When your referral will join, it will be linked with your account.

  4. How will I earn from my referrals?

    When your friend earns from resume view, part of the earning will be credited into your wallet.

  5. How much I can earn from LIPIJobs from Referrals?

    Well it depends upon how many referrals you make and they join but there is a fair possibility of earning upto INR 50,000 per month

  6. How will I use/redeem my points from my wallet?

    • You must have your KYC completed with your LIPIJobs  account. 
    • You must have referred at least 2 friends referred to use the points from wallet.
    • The update in your resume must be maximum 60 days earlier.
    • You can only spend this money on different market places such as PayTM, Amazon, Swiggy,
  7. Makemytrip, OYO and few more (we will keep informing you time to time)

    • You have to maintain at least 100 point as minimum balance.

FAQ – Employers

  1. Is registration free for Employers?

    Yes, the registration is absolutely free for the employers

  2. How many job postings we can do in a month?

    You can do unlimited job postings.  There is no charge.  However, each job posting is reviewed by our staff before making it live.

  3. How much is charged for each resume view?

    When you login and click on the resume to view, you will be shown the charges.

  4. What is the monthly cost?

    There is no fixed monthly fee.  You can pay as you use.  You can recharge your wallet and the resume view amount will be deducted automatically after each view.